Saturday, December 14, 2013


Here are some excel jokes and memes.
  • Excel? Diba size yun, XL. 
  • Excel? Diba yun yung magaling, Excellent. 
  • Knock knock. Who's there? Excel Excel who? Excellent night, holy night, all is calm all is bright.

Long Test :(

Okay so in this post I will tell about the 1st long test for the 3rd qtr but NOT my score. Haha. So it was a test with multiple choice, identification and true or false. It was a 25 item exam. The topic was about Excel and there were formulas. I felt mad cause my answer was right  but then I guess I clicked the wrong button so I answered the wrong one. Huhu. My score passed, atleast. Haha :)

The bipolar computer

I call the pc I use as bipolar, it's very moody like hell/OMG. It will turn on today but not on the next day. It really feels crap cause I never finish the tasks and whenever I need to pass something, that's the time it won't turn on. So because of that, I have to do it again on another computer. If I could only bring a laptop (we're poor kasi). Haaaaay, hashtag(lamig) Hassle sa muscle.


The 1st activity we had about charts was made individually. We made three charts, one chart per sheet. The next one was done by group. My groupmates were Aylwin, and Gwen. There are several charts like pie graph, column, line graph, bar graph and etc.


Alam nyo yung cross sa Microsoft Excel? Eh di Macros! Waley kung waley, di naman maganda ang joke kung havey eh. Haha K. This was one of the awesome topics because it's magic (lol). Because of macros, we can make game in Microsoft Excel, works of accountants and other jobs easier. I'm really gonna use this if I will do something repetitively in Excel.


So we made a game as an activity about Macros. I just made the game Sir introduced to us. I learned more about Microsoft Excel. It's a modified minesweeper wherein you will find bombs through controls. You will win if you find 10 bombs. It's a modified version of minesweeper.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Catching Com Sci

Since Catching Fire was great and I've already watched the movie, I wanna relate it to Com sci. I ended up having Catching Com Sci as my title. HAHAHA So how am I supposed to (live without you?) relate Com Sci to catching fire? Aha! I'm really amazed with the effects and the technology they use. The arena, the sounds, and the visual effects are all cool. Also the trick behind the transformation of Katniss's dress. The movie was bitin but it was really good!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Topic list

This post is boring. The main topic for the 3rd quarter is Spreadsheets and Data Analysis. Below are the subtopics we have and will target this quarter. Some of the topics below are already discussed but I'll still post them.
  • Data Types
  • Data Formatting
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Using Functions/Formulas
  • Data Representation using Graphs/Charts
  • Interpreting Data
  • Macros
I have higher grade in the 2nd qtr than the 1st qtr so I don't want it to fail. Retaining will be enough. I hope the things not discussed will be easy for my brain to absorb. -___-

Microsoft EXCELlence

For third quarter, our first lesson is about Microsoft Excel. We were taught about the formulas and the other shortcuts like the IF,AND,OR and NOT. I entitled this blog EXCELlence because uhmm, nothing. HAHA. excellence is part of Pisay and Excel is part of the word Excellence. Waley level: 99.999999. We were tasked to make score sheets and grading sheets as activities. I quiet liked Excel but I don't know why. I'm so stressed with the long formulas but then, the result is cool.In pursuit of EXCELlence.
Grading Sheet

Score Sheet

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Enter Button

Upon opening his computer, Edrian found this enter button or return button and I took it from him. I just wanted to add it here for nothing. Weird me is weird. Okay. FYI, Enter button is one of the most important button aside from the space bar. It is also the button used to steal vehicles in Grand Theft Auto (known as GTA). :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Online, you must look presentable cause people will judge you by your pictures. Always try to be good, avoid making enemies. Imagine the cyber world without netiquette and we can do everything; that would result I guess to a flame war or worse, world war 3. If we want people to think of us positively, we must make ourselves positive and behave. Netiquette helps the cyber world to be in peace.

dƏ ' meIn neIm (domain name)

I want to be specific about domain names (yes it's weird). Anyway, according to Oxfords Students Dictionary, domain names are names that identify a website on the internet. It is a lot easier to determine the kind or safety of the webpage you will enter because of their domain names. To find examples click here.

The Adventures of Amos Lee

We (Piper,Reeka,Ed) found a book at the comlab with the title "The Diary of Amos Lee." After skimming, I concluded that it was a bit similar to Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid. After seeing that book I also want to have one. We found out that the book belongs to kuya Kim Lo of 8-Rosal.

Aircon is cool Part two

Still, our area is cold.*insert a cold crying person* Huhu. And it tempts me to bring a jacket or whatever just to be warmth. One time when sir was discussing about HTML, Piper and I went to Reeka's place cause the temperature there was higher than our own place. I'm delighted because I cannot believe I can live and survive in that freezer.

Prone to calls

Prone to calls sounds like protocols, aye? HAHAHAHA. Okay I admit the fact I'm waley, but yeah I know it's cool. Lol. So anyways what are protocols? They are the rules that govern the communications between computers on a network. There are so many kinds of network protocols which includes Internet Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol, Internet Control Message Protocol and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

The Google's code

Google can be a magician, and it's for you to know why. Ever heard of the shortcuts in searching? If so, what is that website? Google, yes Google has tricks and tips for searching. Like for example, you want to calculate something, just type the equation (ex. 1+1) on the searching box then POOF! The answer is revealed.

Is DNS Significant?

DNS? Ano yun? DNS is an acronym for domain name system which is really needed in the internet. Every webpage must have one to be official and known by others.They all start with a period. Examples of which are .edu for educational institutions, .com for commercial purposes. DNS helps people to be aware of the page they will visit.

Scratch scratch muna kahit hindi pa kailangan

Scratch is the application used by the sophomores for programming. After every activity, if there's leisure time, we spend it making something in scratch. I also tried it at home with the tutorial and realized it was really awesome. I hope someday I can make a game or application through scratch that'll make me rich!


No cool title popped in my mind so I simply entitled this blog "HTML." Anyways,let's discuss about my experiences and all about HTML. HTML is not new to me. It was our lesson in grade 6. My HTML experience in Pisay was great. We focused on this topic. We had many exercises regarding this lesson. We made CSS webpages with colors that were so awesome. Making a webpage by html makes feel lazy but with patience, we can make not one but a lot of great pages.

ComSci1:Getting Harder in a Cool Way

Although Com Sci's leveling up, it's not super hard. I love the new lessons especially making webpages through html. Second quarter is too short for us to cover all the lessons but I still learned cool new things. The topics we took were DNS, Netiquette, Protocols and HTML.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Daily Routine

Graphic Design. We were made to do a graphic design of our daily routine at PSHS. It was easy and fun integrating pictures and descriptions of the activities undertaken.

Header, Footer, and Page Number

We were told to do a business letter that should contain header, footer and page number. Header is located on top of the paper. To make one, double click on the top portion of the paper in MS Word program. Footer, basing it on its name is like a foot meaning located way below the page to be worked with.To make a footer, double click at the bottom of the paper being worked with in MS Word program also. We do also page number for easier navigation of page being worked with.

Aircon is Cool

At first I was enjoying staying near the aircon unit in the lab, however I often got cold, still I could not resit the coolness the unit brought. Sometimes I tell Piper or Reeka to relay to our teacher to lower down the thermostat of the aircon. I'm still so happy sitting near the aircon unit.

It's The Green Table

The first lab work we had was making table about the daily schedule of 7-Emerald, our class. The color of my table was green and white; green because Emeralds are green. It was so much fun doing something in the lab and tinkering with computers. Its easier to do work in a computer because we can readily edit , redo or customize it to suit our needs.

Computer Race and The Odd Computer

The moment we started having hand-outs, we always race to be the first to boot our respective computer set in the laboratory, however, Piper our classmate and my close friend always beat us in opening her set. We learned later that she has a different computer set because it has different desktop background then, but now we were all using the same desktop that is not unique but just like any other computer set.

Back-Up Back-Up Rin Pag May Time

Making back-up files is very important, I've learned my lesson in this aspect the hardest way when I lost my memory card way back. We can readily buy the memory card but never the memories that were saved there via photos, videos and others. The best back-up filing I can suggest and maybe will do next time is to save it on a CD or a flash drive and the photos be developed later.


We had our first hands-on which was about command prompt. We followed Sir's instruction on what to do. I knew the significance of command prompt which is being organizer of the files and quite dangerous to handle because one could accidentally delete everything in the computer. Also, in this lesson I've learned some symbols and codes used to make commands. 

System vs Software

We compared ICT system and ICT software. ICT software is the software that allows or provides telecommunications while ICT system is composed of hardware, software, data and the people who uses them. If ICT system is composed of software, therefore ICT software is part of the system.

They're different

The first topic we had was differentiating Computer Science, ICT and IT. All I knew before was that they are all the same. Now that we've discussed it, I've learned that Computer Science is about computations and design of computer. I also learned that Information and Communication Technology or ICT is the technology which involves telecommunications. Lastly, IT or Information Technology is the technology about the use of computer systems, software and network for the data to be produced.

The teacher

Before having our first meeting in Computer Science I, I was expecting that our teacher will be kind and not too strict to us. When I first saw Sir Tom Jordan Secundo, our ComSci teacher, I was happy to learn that he is young and  a PSHS-BRC alumnus thus can relate to us. Sir Tom studied college in Bicol University, the school where I took pre-school and grade school. He is a little strict but competent and very considerate.