Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Topic list

This post is boring. The main topic for the 3rd quarter is Spreadsheets and Data Analysis. Below are the subtopics we have and will target this quarter. Some of the topics below are already discussed but I'll still post them.
  • Data Types
  • Data Formatting
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Using Functions/Formulas
  • Data Representation using Graphs/Charts
  • Interpreting Data
  • Macros
I have higher grade in the 2nd qtr than the 1st qtr so I don't want it to fail. Retaining will be enough. I hope the things not discussed will be easy for my brain to absorb. -___-

Microsoft EXCELlence

For third quarter, our first lesson is about Microsoft Excel. We were taught about the formulas and the other shortcuts like the IF,AND,OR and NOT. I entitled this blog EXCELlence because uhmm, nothing. HAHA. excellence is part of Pisay and Excel is part of the word Excellence. Waley level: 99.999999. We were tasked to make score sheets and grading sheets as activities. I quiet liked Excel but I don't know why. I'm so stressed with the long formulas but then, the result is cool.In pursuit of EXCELlence.
Grading Sheet

Score Sheet

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Enter Button

Upon opening his computer, Edrian found this enter button or return button and I took it from him. I just wanted to add it here for nothing. Weird me is weird. Okay. FYI, Enter button is one of the most important button aside from the space bar. It is also the button used to steal vehicles in Grand Theft Auto (known as GTA). :)