Saturday, January 18, 2014

4th quarter naaaaaaaaaa!!!

So yeah, the 3rd quarter's over. It's now 4th quarter. It only means that summer's just around the corner. For this quarter, our topics are:

Demystifying ICT (Inside the Box)
1. Types of Software
a. System
b. Application
c. Programming
2. How Software Works with
a. Data Processing Cycle
b. Digitization
c. BIN / DEC / HEX
d. Machine Cycle
e. Networking
3. Computer System
a. Logical Components
b. Physical Parts
c. Hardware Specifications
d. Generations / Classifications of
Basic Technician Training
1. Desktop Computer Assembly
2. Basic Troubleshooting
3. Software Installation
4. Use of System Utilities
a. Disk scan / Defragmenter
b. System Backup / Restore
c. AntiVirus

And Sir will teach us how to reformat. Isn't it amazing? Isn't it surprising? HAHAHA. I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it)!!! HAHAHA

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