I've been in a computer class before because Bicol University, where I studied grade school teaches in ComSci. I may have experienced studying ComSci but I have never encountered a class which is so extraordinary (maybe because of the teacher and the students, LOL). My first impression of ComSci 1 is so difficult. I guess it was affected by my first impression of the teacher who looks very serious and strict. All my first thoughts I told above turned out to be the opposite. The ComSci class here in Pisay is better than in BU (just an opinion) but the teacher it the best. Who would have thought that a serious-looking man is humurous and fond of cracking jokes? I never expected for a teacher like Sir Tom (try to check out my first post in this blog) to be that kind, humurous funny and a great teacher. Hi, Sir! If ever you're reading this (of course because it's our project. Haha, kidding), I would just like to say that my ComSci 1 turned out to be so mathematical (Inspired by Finn).
I don't know how to express it, all i know is that my experience is ineffable.:D Thanks for the knowledge you have shared to us that will surely help us in life situations. I also thank you for the sci facts you randomly tell depending on the situation. Thank you for the jokes sthat you told that truly made our days. Sorry, Sir for the wrong doings we have committed that made you mad or whatsoever. Lastly, thank you, Sir for being the coolest, amazing and extraordinary ComSci teacher I ever had.
With students love without sipsip,
Alea <3
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